Hello, everyone. These days, everyone has a busy daily life. We gaze at screens the majority of the time. Interestingly, each device has a distinct content mix, and your social media feed is probably personalized based on your likes, interests, and beliefs. Okay, the next time you hang out with your friends, ask them to show you their Instagram feed so you can see how social media keeps you occupied all day by presenting you with information that is likely to be liked by you. In addition, everyone strives to be as productive as they can be each day in the modern world. To combat this, the majority of teens and young adults consume carefully crafted motivating content on social media sites like Instagram, YouTube, etc. You might be asking yourself, "What's wrong with that? Isn't it excellent for productivity?" BUT! BUT! BUT! If you routinely consume this type of well-produced, posh motivational stuff, it will unquestionably kill your productivity over time.

Why too much motivation is bad?

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 We are all aware that the human brain is the bodily part with the greatest complexity. In addition, our brains manufacture a large number of hormones. Dopamine is the name of one of them. Additionally, which is created in the hypothalamus, ventral tegmental region, and substantia nigra. Dopamine helps us strive, focus, and find things intriguing in addition to playing a part in how we experience a pleasure. But if you regularly watch extremely well-edited, colorfully made motivating videos, they'll release dopamine without giving you any precise advice on what to do or how to accomplish it, but your dopamine will still be working every day. At some point, seeing a motivating video will seem like the impetus you need to act, and you will do so as a consequence. Additionally, excessive motivation may exacerbate anxiety and perfectionism, negating the whole aim of the initial desire.

What is the right way to get motivated?

  • Understand what works for you specifically:-Recognize what works best for you in particular: We are all aware of how drastically varied our everyday lives are from one another; while some of us enjoy rising early, others find it impossible. Therefore, the goal is to become aware of who you are and strive to develop a system that is tailored to your needs.

  •  Understand what suits you the best:-Sort out which approach or system best suits you after learning about a few.

  • Set goals based on process not on results:- It's important to consider this because we all tend to set results as our goals these days. For example, let's say you have a YouTube channel and you want 1 million subscribers in a year. While you have no control over how many random subscribers you receive, you do have complete control over the process that will likely enable you to reach the milestone, so you should focus on this process. And if you continue to perform these things consistently, your dopamine receptors will be stimulated, which will make you feel driven and satisfied.
  • Don't use motivational videos to escape from reality:-This well-crafted video material may be used to learn how to edit hooking content, but if you decide to use it to escape reality, it will undoubtedly end badly for you.

How to be consistent with work?

   Consistency is a concept that is undervalued today, but it has the capacity to change our lives. Let's assume that if you are willing to study anything for half an hour every day for a year, it will be enough to make you an expert in that specific field.
Things to consider to be consistent at work:-
  • Set expectations straight:-This is nothing but creating goals based on process not on the result
  • Establish checkpoints:-To determine whether or not we are behind schedule, we should establish brief checkpoints. Assuming you are in charge of organizing a TED Talk event for the following month, you should have a calendar in place for scheduling one speaker every week so you can keep track of your progress each weekend.
  • Taking a chill pill:- Most of us don't think about the oxygen component when we schedule our daily to-do lists; instead, we frequently think of ourselves as machines. When it comes to exams, we used to prepare ahead in school. For example, if there were four chapters, we would schedule an hour for each one, and we all know what happens in the end. We neglect the fact that the human brain requires a break in this situation, and we should think about playing, swimming, or engaging in any other activity that makes us feel pleased and refreshed. You may be confident that it will increase your productivity.

How to improve productivity?

   I'd want to give you a three-step framework right now. If you use it regularly for 90 days and make it a part of your lifestyle, I promise that your life will alter in ways that you can't even imagine.
  • Reserve one fixed time slot:-Every day, you should set out a certain time slot; ideally, it should be early in the day and last at least an hour. Ensure that everything occurs at your workstation during this designated time window.
  • Prepare your desk:-You should make sure that your workstation has everything you'll need for the next hour or so, from a pen to a glass of water. There shouldn't be any room for justification to leave the table during this allotted period.

  • Put your phone on DND mode:-You must set your phone to DND (Do Not Disturb) mode because even one pop-up notice might quickly spoil the next two hours.

      This technique will teach you,
  • To live with your thoughts, which means you will realize that in the first week you would be not able to concentrate on your work and your thoughts will fly from Kerala politics to the European economy, well let your thoughts fly gradually you will be able to control it.
  • The art of self-governance, As graduates of the Indian educational system, the majority of us would struggle with self-governance because, starting in kindergarten, we are taught to follow someone else's schedule, and when we enter the real world, there may not always be someone to tell us what to do or not. This highlights the significance of self-governance. If you want to be truly successful in life, you need to learn the skill of self-governance.
  • Greatness takes time, You will achieve greatness if you adhere to this guideline for 90 days, as I previously stated, and you will come to understand that greatness requires patience.

How to schedule the day?

When it comes to planning our daily activities, we could think about;
  • 9 am to 1 pm for creative projects, such as writing an essay or sketching something original (ps; time may change from person to person)
  • You may think about things like meetings or conversations after 1 pm as they require comparably less inventiveness.
  • After six o'clock, you might want to put your laptop away and spend some time with your family or engage in some rejuvenating activities.
Things to keep in mind:-

  • Know the difference between 'genuine hard work' and 'useless slogging'.
  • If you want to be a leader in life/career your job is not to make thousands of decisions but to make a small number of great decisions which can make a huge impact.
  • In this busy world everybody sees, but a few only know how to observe.
  • So instead of working hard blindly, think well
    As a way to wrap up, I'd like to use the word "persistence" because it is incomparable to anything else in the world. Nothing is more prevalent than failed guys with potential; talent won't. Unrecognized talent is a cliche; education won't. The world is full of educated fools. Being consistent, determined, and persistent are all really powerful.
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